9. Problems with large brain/solution

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Return to History 8 Human Origins Concepts

Increasing brains sizes created many new problems for the Homo erectus also known as the Homo ergaster. The Homo erectus traveled long distances on foot in order to receive enough meat to feed it's large body and mind. Their large brains created need for more meat and energy. Also, whereas chimpanzees are born with nearly fully matured brains, human infants are born with immature brains. In order to walk the erectus developed a slimmer pelvis, the upper part of it's ribcage expanded, the lower part of the ribcage narrowed, and most importantly the slimmer pelvis constricted the female's birth canal. Much like humans, the mothers needed to be well nourished for the babies, making them increasingly more dependent on their male partner and other members of their group.




Picture: http://www.tokresource.org/tok_classes/biobiobio/biomenu/options_folder/D3_human_evolution/

Sara Doyle