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Page created by William Brown

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The introduction of the Internet has revolutionized global information exchange. The Internet has had such an impact on the world that some people consider it a way of life. Started during the cold war as DARPAnet, a means of communication that could not be halted by the destruction of a single route[1], the internet has since grown to be nearly omnipresent.


The most important aspect of the internet is that there is no central location of the internet; rather, it is a network of of other computer networks linked together. [2] In this way, all computers connected to the internet are part of the internet. Computers accessing the internet can be grouped into either clients, computers requesting information, or servers, computers that receive information requests and supply said information. [2] Such a system allows for instant access to information from all around the world, a concept that was unheard of when DARPA first launched.


The internet has opened the doors to information for everyone. Its effects are far reaching, both culturally and technologically.



  1. Living Interet, DARPA/ARPA
  2. 2.0 2.1 The Internet in Practice

Page created by William Brown