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[[Earth Science 7-Global Regions Index]]
[[Earth Science 7-Global Regions Index]]
[['''Northern Asia''']]
===Northern Asia===
<ref>[http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.shokhirev.com/nikolai/projects/sib/Siberia.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.shokhirev.com/nikolai/projects/sib/siberia.html&h=395&w=531&sz=109&tbnid=PBV9m9N9bu79HM:&tbnh=98&tbnw=132&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dnorthern%2Basia%26tbm%3Disch%26tbo%3Du&zoom=1&q=northern+asia&usg=__Xr-tKmD_fzwNt-T9JdMyk2xe5EY=&sa=X&ei=RvKzTu6lD4i3sQKT8f3TAw&ved=0CB4Q9QEwBA]. </ref>
The countries are Japan, China, Mongolia, Korea, Russia, Nepal, Taiwan,and Kazakhstan.
'''----Latitude and Longitude--------'''
== Countries ==
Latitude: 21-81 degrees North
Longitude: 28 degrees East, 169 degrees West.
'''----Elevation Range'''
The highest point is Mount Everest with 8,850 m.
The lowest point is The Caspian Sea with -28 m.
'''-----Bordering Oceans----'''
The bordering Oceans are the Pacific Ocean, and the Arctic Ocean.
'''------Large Bodies of Water-------'''
Large bodies of water include Sea of Japan, East China Sea, South China Sea, Korea Bay, the Yellow Sea, and the Ural River.
Taiwan. 1
'''-------Major Seas------'''
MAjor seas include Sea of Japan, East China Sea, South China Sea, and the Yellow Sea.
== Latitude and Longitude ==
'''------Topographic Features-------'''
Latitude: 18-81 degrees North. 1
Topographical Features in the region are the Ural Mountains, the Himalayas
Longitude: 28 degrees East, 169 degrees West. 1
== Wave Action ==
Tsunami waves are much longer than common ocean waves. In the open ocean, the water may take from 5 minutes to over 1 hour to reach its highest level and fall back again as a tsunami wave passes. The deeper the water is, the faster a tsunami wave travels.
In the Pacific Ocean basin, where depths average about 13,000 feet , tsunami waves can travel up to 600 miles per hour, as fast as a jet aircraft. As a tsunami wave approaches land, its speed drops to about 20 to 30 miles per hour. As the wave’s speed decreases, its height usually grows by at least three times. The resulting flood of water can surge more than 2/3 mile inland and pile up in certain places to reach elevations higher than 100 feet above sea level. 9
== Ice Cover==
During the last ice age much of the northern hemisphere was covered in ice and glaciers, and they covered nearly all of Canada, much of northern Asia and Europe, and extended well into the United States. But now there's only a few ice covered areas. 10
Google Earth
http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/graphics/wciceiceage.jpg </ref>
The world during the last ice age.
== Elevation Range ==
The highest point is Mount Everest with 8,850 m. 1
<ref>[http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4b/Everest_kalapatthar_crop.jpg/280px-Everest_kalapatthar_crop.jpg&imgrefurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Everest&usg=__BXgWCMbJmRv-jHbL37Fv6FUusO4=&h=188&w=280&sz=15&hl=en&start=1&zoom=1&tbnid=ZJSKLWdm8097kM:&tbnh=77&tbnw=114&ei=5vOzToDvG_Ly2gXtxsnMDQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3DMount%2BEverest%26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1]. </ref>
The lowest point is The Caspian Sea with -132 m. 1
== Bordering Oceans ==
Pacific Ocean
Arctic Ocean. 1
== Tides ==
Mixed tides, where successive high-water and low-water stands, are placed on the southern part of Northern Asia.
Diurnal tides, tides have one high and one low water per tidal day, are found in the middle coast.
The most common tide is the Semi-diurnal tides, which have two high and two low waters per tidal day. 7
Large tides occur along the Pacific rim. Some of the largest form off the west coast of Korea. There, the water is 15 to 30 feet (4.6 to 9.0 meters) deeper at high tide than at low tide. 8
== Large Bodies of Water ==
Lake Decalog
Korea Bay
Lake Baikal. 2
== Currents ==
The Alaska Current brings warmer water to Russia.
The Kamchatka Current brings cold water to eastern Russia.
Oyashio Current is a cold current that leads to Japan
North Pacific Current brings warm water to Japan and China. 7
The surface currents in most of the Pacific Ocean are parts of two gigantic, rotating systems of current known as gyres. One gyre is centered at about 30° north latitude and rotates clockwise. 8
== Major Seas ==
Sea of Japan
East China Sea
South China Sea
Yellow Sea. 1
Sea of Japan
<ref>[http://www.google.com/imgres?q=Sea+of+Japan&um=1&hl=en&safe=active&client=safari&sa=N&rls=en&biw=1359&bih=1223&tbm=isch&tbnid=XNR-jkZHKZFMjM:&imgrefurl=http://www.123rf.com/photo_1006255_sea-of-japan-rocky-coast.html&docid=j68yIARw5eRdGM&imgurl=http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/tatisol/tatisol0706/tatisol070600018/1006255-sea-of-japan-rocky-coast.jpg&w=400&h=297&ei=sYi2Tr2FNqfosQLT1uD1Aw&zoom=1]. </ref>
== Topographic Features ==
Ural Mountains
Himalayas Mountains
Tibetan Plateau
Gobi Desert
Taklamakan Desert
Subarctic Climate in Siberia
Tundra in Siberia
Altai Mountains
Steppes in Kazakhstan and Mongolia 
Hentiyn Mountains. 3
== Rivers ==
The Pearl
Ural River
The Yellow
Lao He. 2
== Climate ==
Much of Northern Asia is part of the climate zone humid continental. 4
Climate types include humid, severe and dry winters, and hot summers. 4
In Northern Asia the main climate tends to include snow, arid, polar, and warm temperatures. 5
Precipitation in Northern Asia falls into the categories of fully humid, desert, and a dry winter. 5
Temperature in Northern Asia varies greatly by which part of the region you are in. 5
The climate is a result of the many climate controls. The climate controls are the several mountain ranges, deserts, tundra, and of course the bordering oceans. More climate controls are the elevation and the latitude.
Deserts occur in Mongolia because of the Mongolian Plateau.
Many Plateaus contain deserts.6
Because of the southern winds hitting the Himalayan Mountain range, it creates a much warmer temperature in China. 6
There are several small mountain ranges in Russia which provides for it's snowy weather. 6
Also these small mountains stop warm air currents from the south to create deserts on one side, and blizzards on the other. 6
The winds in Russia flow from the north which then trail down into Siberia, causing a colder climate. 6
== Minerals Resources ==
In the earth of Northern Asia you can find metallic minerals such as Titanium, Copper, Tin, Gold, lead, Zinc, Uranium, Platinum, Iron. 11
Other resources in the region include coal, oil, and diamonds. 12
More resources contain natural gases. 13
In Uzbekistan many minerals mined there are coal, gold, uranium, silver, petroleum copper, lead, zinc, tungsten, and molybdenum.13
In Russia there is a volcano called Aaag. This volcano is made of a heavy layer of rock, magma and igneous rock. 14
The Dharwar belt is made up of an assemblage of gneisses, mitigates, and granites containing linear green stone belts in which volcanoes and sedimentary rocks, metamorphosed to a greater or lesser degree, are preserved. Some of the sediments contain rich hematite ores and manganese ores. Gold also occurs associated with basic volcanic rocks or intrusions in the green stone belts. The whole of the Dharwar belt is intruded by swarms of basic dykes, intruded towards the end of the main metamorphic episode, 2,600–2,300 million years ago. In the Aravalli region, banded gneisses of the same general age occur underlying later cover rocks. 16 Kazakhstan is the world’s 11th largest copper producer and has seen some dramatic production increases. 17 Russia has about 10% of global copper reserves. More than 50% of the deposits are being exploited or developed and are hosted primarily by sulphide ores. Mines under development have an average grade of over 1.5% copper. Russia is ranked 6th in the world in terms of copper production, with 55% of Russia’s production coming from Norilsk Nickel. 17
In 2000 Russia remained the world’s 3rd largest producer of diamonds, after Australia and Botswana. Russia accounts for 21% of global diamonds produced. 18
http://www.mapsnworld.com/soil-geology-map.jpg 15
== Tectonic Plates ==
Boundaries in Northern Asia include the continental-continental boundary of the Indian and Eurasian plates which creates the Himalayas, the oceanic-continenal boundary of the Pacific plate and the Eurasian plate which causes the Japan Trench, and the continental-continental or oceanic-oceanic depending on location boundary between the Eurasian and Pacific plates. The boundaries are mostly passive except for the borders on Kamchatka and Japan which are subduction zones. 6
MASHKOVTSEV Stratovolcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
KAMBALNY Stratovolcano         Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
KOSHELEV Stratovolcano       Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
YAVINSKY Stratovolcano         Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
DIKY GREBEN Lava domes Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
KURILE LAKE Caldera Radiocarbon Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
ILYINSKY Stratovolcano        Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
ZHELTOVSKY Stratovolcano        Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
KELL Stratovolcanoes Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
BELENKAYA Stratovolcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
KSUDACH Stratovolcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
OZERNOY Shield volcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
OLKOVIY VOLCANIC GROUP Holocene Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
KHODUTKA Stratovolcanoes Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
PIRATKOVSKY Stratovolcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
OSTANETS Shield volcanoes Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
OTDELNIY Shield volcanoes Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
GOLAYA Stratovolcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
ASACHA Complex volcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
VISOKIY Stratovolcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
MUTNOVSKY Complex volcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
GORELY Caldera Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
OPALA Caldera Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
UNNAMED Cinder cone Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
TOLMACHEV DOL Cinder cones Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
VILYUCHIK Stratovolcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
BARKHATNAYA SOPKA Lava domes Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
UNNAMED Shield volcanoes Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
UNNAMED Shield volcanoes Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
BOLSHE-BANNAYA Lava domes Southern Kamchatka (Russia)
KORYAKSKY Stratovolcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
AVACHINSKY Stratovolcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
DZENZURSKY Compound volcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
ZHUPANOVSKY Compound volcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
VEER Cinder cones Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
KOSTAKAN Cinder cones Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
BAKENING Stratovolcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
ZAVARITSKY Cinder cones Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
AKADEMIA NAUK Stratovolcanoes Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
KARYMSKY Stratovolcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
MALY SEMIACHIK Calder Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
BOLSHOI SEMIACHIK Stratovolcanoes Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
TAUNSHITS Stratovolcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
UZON Calderas         Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
KIKHPINYCH Stratovolcanoes Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
KRASHENINNIKOV Caldera Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
KRONOTSKY Stratovolcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
SCHMIDT Shield volcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
GAMCHEN Complex volcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
KOMAROV Stratovolcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
VYSOKY Stratovolcano         Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
KIZIMEN Stratovolcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
UNNAMED Cinder cones Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)
TOLBACHIK Shield volcano Central Kamchatka (Russia)
UDINA Stratovolcanoes    Central Kamchatka (Russia)
ZIMINA Stratovolcanoes Central Kamchatka (Russia)
BEZYMIANNY Stratovolcano Central Kamchatka (Russia)
KAMEN Stratovolcano Central Kamchatka (Russia)
KLIUCHEVSKOI Stratovolcano Central Kamchatka (Russia)
USHKOVSKY Compound volcano Central Kamchatka (Russia)
SHIVELUCH Stratovolcano Central Kamchatka (Russia)
PIIP Submarine volcano East of Kamchatka (Russia)
KHANGAR Stratovolcano Western Kamchatka (Russia)
CHERPUK GROUP Pyroclastic cones Western Kamchatka (Russia)
ICHINSKY Stratovolcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
MALY PAYALPAN Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
BOLSHOI PAYALPAN Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
PLOSKY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
AKHTANG Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
KOZYREVSKY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
ROMANOVKA Stratovolcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
UKSICHAN Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
BOLSHOI-KEKUKNAYSKY Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
KULKEV Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
GEODESISTOY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
ANAUN Stratovolcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
KRAINY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
KEKURNY Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
EGGELLA Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
UNNAMED Shield volcano     Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
VERKHOVOY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
ALNEY-CHASHAKONDZHA Stratovolcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
CHERNY Stratovolcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
POGRANYCHNY Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
ZAOZERNY Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
BLIZNETS Stratovolcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
KEBENEY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
FEDOTYCH Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
SHISHEIKA Lava dome Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
TERPUK Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
SEDANKINSKY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
LEUTONGEY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
TUZOVSKY Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
GORNY INSTITUTE Stratovolcano Radiocarbon Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
KINENIN Maar Radiocarbon Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
BLIZNETSY Lava cone Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
TITILA Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
MEZHDUSOPOCHNY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
SHISHEL Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
ELOVSKY Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
ALNGEY Stratovolcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
UKA Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
KAILENEY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
PLOSKY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
BELY Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
NYLGIMELKIN Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
SNEZHNIY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
IKTUNUP Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
SPOKOINY Stratovolcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
OSTRY Stratovolcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
SNEGOVOY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
SEVERNY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
IETTUNUP Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
VOYAMPOLSKY Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)
SIKHOTE-ALIN Volcanic field Southeastern Russia
UDOKAN PLATEAU Pyroclastic cones Southeastern Russia
VITIM PLATEAU Cinder cones Southeastern Russia
TUNKIN DEPRESSION Volcanic field Holocene? Southeastern Russia
OKA PLATEAU Cinder cones Holocene Southeastern Russia
AZAS PLATEAU Volcanic field Holocene Southeastern Russia
TARYATU-CHULUTU Volcanic field Mongolia
KHANUY GOL Volcanic field Mongolia
BUS-OBO Cinder cone Mongolia
MIDDLE GOBI Cinder cones Mongolia
TURFAN Cone Western China
TIANSHAN VOLCANIC GROUP Volcanic field Western China
KUNLUN VOLCANIC GROUP Pyroclastic cones Western China
UNNAMED Volcanic field Western China
HONGGEERTU Cinder cones Eastern China
ARSHAN Cinder cones Eastern China
KELUO GROUP Pyroclastic cones Eastern China
WUDALIANCHI Volcanic field Eastern China
JINGBO Volcanic field Eastern China
LONGGANG GROUP Cinder cones         Eastern China
CHANGBAISHAN Stratovolcano China-Korea border
XIANJINDAO Unknown Korea
CH'UGA-RYONG Shield volcano Korea
ULREUNG Stratovolcano Korea
HALLA Shield volcano Korea
OKI-DOGO Shield volcano West of Honshu (Japan)
IZU-TOBU Pyroclastic cones Honshu
HAKONE Complex volcano Honshu
FUJI Stratovolcano Honshu
KITA YATSUGA-TAKE Stratovolcanoes Honshu
ON-TAKE Complex volcano Honshu
HAKU-SAN Stratovolcano Honshu
NORIKURA Stratovolcanoes Honshu
YAKE-DAKE Stratovolcanoes Honshu
WASHIBA-KUMONOTAIRA Shield volcanoes Honshu
TATE-YAMA Stratovolcano    Honshu
NIIGATA-YAKE-YAMA Lava dome Honshu
MYOKO Stratovolcano Honshu
ASAMA Complex volcano Honshu 20
The largest eruptions in the region are:
Mout Unzen erupted in 1996
Tolbachik in Kamchatka had a large eruption in 1975.
Shiveluch in 1964 in Kamchatka
Bezymianny in 1956 in Kamchatka
Kiliuchevskoi in 1931 in Kamchatka
Komaga-Take in 1929 in Japan
Avachinsky in 1926 in Kamchatka
Iriomote-Jima in 1924 in Japan
Sakera Jima in 1914 in Japan 20
The largest earthquakes in the region ever were a 1976 earthquake in Tangstan, China,a 1920 earthquake in Haiyun China, a 1948 one in Ashgabat Turkministan, a 1923 one in Kanto Japan, and a 2008 one in Eastern Sichuan, China 19
The vast majority of the earthquakes in the region are on the boundrie of the Pacific and Eurasian Plates in the areas of Kamchatka and Japan 6
== References ==
http://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/ 1
http://www.tulane.edu/~riomar/images/Chapter%201.pdf 2
http://depts.washington.edu/silkroad/maps/physical/etopo.html 3
http://www.srh.noaa.gov/jetstream/global/climate_max.htm 4
http://koeppen-geiger.vu-wien.ac.at/present.htm 5
Google Earth. 6
http://www.oceanmotion.org/ 7
http://www.worldbookonline.com/advanced/article?id=ar410020&st=pacific+ocean 8
http://www.worldbookonline.com/advanced/article?id=ar569220 9
http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycleice.html 10
http://maps.howstuffworks.com/world-energy-minerals-map.htm 11
http://www.mapsofworld.com/world-mineral-map.htm 12
https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/rs.html 13
http://www.summitpost.org/aag-arik-volcano/153886 14
http://www.mapsnworld.com/geology-and-soil.html 15
http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Asian+geology 16
http://www.mbendi.com/indy/ming/cppr/as/p0005.htm 17
http://www.mbendi.com/indy/ming/dmnd/as/p0005.htm#10 18
http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/world/most_destructive.php 19
http://www.volcano.si.edu/world/region.cfm?rnum=08&rpage=list 20
== Links ==
Image 1: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.shokhirev.com/nikolai/projects/sib/Siberia.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.shokhirev.com/nikolai/projects/sib/siberia.html&usg=__T8IXOvij29SDkrnXUQ6mmDmTWCw=&h=395&w=531&sz=109&hl=en&start=4&zoom=1&tbnid=PBV9m9N9bu79HM:&tbnh=98&tbnw=132&ei=3U6xTp6QJKbksQKV873WAQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dnorthern%2Basia%26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1
Image 2:http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4b/Everest_kalapatthar_crop.jpg/280px-Everest_kalapatthar_crop.jpg&imgrefurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Everest&usg=__BXgWCMbJmRv-jHbL37Fv6FUusO4=&h=188&w=280&sz=15&hl=en&start=1&zoom=1&tbnid=ZJSKLWdm8097kM:&tbnh=77&tbnw=114&ei=5vOzToDvG_Ly2gXtxsnMDQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3DMount%2BEverest%26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1
Image 3:http://www.google.com/imgres?q=Sea+of+Japan&um=1&hl=en&safe=active&client=safari&sa=N&rls=en&biw=1359&bih=1223&tbm=isch&tbnid=XNR-jkZHKZFMjM:&imgrefurl=http://www.123rf.com/photo_1006255_sea-of-japan-rocky-coast.html&docid=j68yIARw5eRdGM&imgurl=http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/tatisol/tatisol0706/tatisol070600018/1006255-sea-of-japan-rocky-coast.jpg&w=400&h=297&ei=sYi2Tr2FNqfosQLT1uD1Aw&zoom=1

Latest revision as of 07:16, 2 May 2012

Earth Science 7-Global Regions Index

Northern Asia

Siberia.gif, [1]













Taiwan. 1

Latitude and Longitude

Latitude: 18-81 degrees North. 1

Longitude: 28 degrees East, 169 degrees West. 1

Wave Action

Tsunami waves are much longer than common ocean waves. In the open ocean, the water may take from 5 minutes to over 1 hour to reach its highest level and fall back again as a tsunami wave passes. The deeper the water is, the faster a tsunami wave travels. In the Pacific Ocean basin, where depths average about 13,000 feet , tsunami waves can travel up to 600 miles per hour, as fast as a jet aircraft. As a tsunami wave approaches land, its speed drops to about 20 to 30 miles per hour. As the wave’s speed decreases, its height usually grows by at least three times. The resulting flood of water can surge more than 2/3 mile inland and pile up in certain places to reach elevations higher than 100 feet above sea level. 9

Ice Cover

During the last ice age much of the northern hemisphere was covered in ice and glaciers, and they covered nearly all of Canada, much of northern Asia and Europe, and extended well into the United States. But now there's only a few ice covered areas. 10

wciceiceage.jpg </ref>

The world during the last ice age.

Elevation Range

The highest point is Mount Everest with 8,850 m. 1

280px-Everest_kalapatthar_crop.jpg [2]

The lowest point is The Caspian Sea with -132 m. 1

Bordering Oceans

Pacific Ocean

Arctic Ocean. 1


Mixed tides, where successive high-water and low-water stands, are placed on the southern part of Northern Asia. Diurnal tides, tides have one high and one low water per tidal day, are found in the middle coast. The most common tide is the Semi-diurnal tides, which have two high and two low waters per tidal day. 7 Large tides occur along the Pacific rim. Some of the largest form off the west coast of Korea. There, the water is 15 to 30 feet (4.6 to 9.0 meters) deeper at high tide than at low tide. 8

Large Bodies of Water

Lake Decalog

Korea Bay

Lake Baikal. 2


The Alaska Current brings warmer water to Russia.

The Kamchatka Current brings cold water to eastern Russia.

Oyashio Current is a cold current that leads to Japan

North Pacific Current brings warm water to Japan and China. 7

The surface currents in most of the Pacific Ocean are parts of two gigantic, rotating systems of current known as gyres. One gyre is centered at about 30° north latitude and rotates clockwise. 8

Major Seas

Sea of Japan

East China Sea

South China Sea

Yellow Sea. 1

Sea of Japan

1006255-sea-of-japan-rocky-coast.jpg [3]

Topographic Features

Ural Mountains

Himalayas Mountains

Tibetan Plateau

Gobi Desert

Taklamakan Desert

Subarctic Climate in Siberia

Tundra in Siberia

Altai Mountains

Steppes in Kazakhstan and Mongolia

Hentiyn Mountains. 3







The Pearl

Ural River

The Yellow

Lao He. 2


Much of Northern Asia is part of the climate zone humid continental. 4 Climate types include humid, severe and dry winters, and hot summers. 4 In Northern Asia the main climate tends to include snow, arid, polar, and warm temperatures. 5 Precipitation in Northern Asia falls into the categories of fully humid, desert, and a dry winter. 5 Temperature in Northern Asia varies greatly by which part of the region you are in. 5 The climate is a result of the many climate controls. The climate controls are the several mountain ranges, deserts, tundra, and of course the bordering oceans. More climate controls are the elevation and the latitude.

Deserts occur in Mongolia because of the Mongolian Plateau. Many Plateaus contain deserts.6 Because of the southern winds hitting the Himalayan Mountain range, it creates a much warmer temperature in China. 6 There are several small mountain ranges in Russia which provides for it's snowy weather. 6 Also these small mountains stop warm air currents from the south to create deserts on one side, and blizzards on the other. 6 The winds in Russia flow from the north which then trail down into Siberia, causing a colder climate. 6

Minerals Resources

In the earth of Northern Asia you can find metallic minerals such as Titanium, Copper, Tin, Gold, lead, Zinc, Uranium, Platinum, Iron. 11 Other resources in the region include coal, oil, and diamonds. 12 More resources contain natural gases. 13 In Uzbekistan many minerals mined there are coal, gold, uranium, silver, petroleum copper, lead, zinc, tungsten, and molybdenum.13 In Russia there is a volcano called Aaag. This volcano is made of a heavy layer of rock, magma and igneous rock. 14 The Dharwar belt is made up of an assemblage of gneisses, mitigates, and granites containing linear green stone belts in which volcanoes and sedimentary rocks, metamorphosed to a greater or lesser degree, are preserved. Some of the sediments contain rich hematite ores and manganese ores. Gold also occurs associated with basic volcanic rocks or intrusions in the green stone belts. The whole of the Dharwar belt is intruded by swarms of basic dykes, intruded towards the end of the main metamorphic episode, 2,600–2,300 million years ago. In the Aravalli region, banded gneisses of the same general age occur underlying later cover rocks. 16 Kazakhstan is the world’s 11th largest copper producer and has seen some dramatic production increases. 17 Russia has about 10% of global copper reserves. More than 50% of the deposits are being exploited or developed and are hosted primarily by sulphide ores. Mines under development have an average grade of over 1.5% copper. Russia is ranked 6th in the world in terms of copper production, with 55% of Russia’s production coming from Norilsk Nickel. 17 In 2000 Russia remained the world’s 3rd largest producer of diamonds, after Australia and Botswana. Russia accounts for 21% of global diamonds produced. 18

soil-geology-map.jpg 15

Tectonic Plates

Boundaries in Northern Asia include the continental-continental boundary of the Indian and Eurasian plates which creates the Himalayas, the oceanic-continenal boundary of the Pacific plate and the Eurasian plate which causes the Japan Trench, and the continental-continental or oceanic-oceanic depending on location boundary between the Eurasian and Pacific plates. The boundaries are mostly passive except for the borders on Kamchatka and Japan which are subduction zones. 6

MASHKOVTSEV	Stratovolcano	Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

KAMBALNY Stratovolcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

KOSHELEV Stratovolcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

YAVINSKY Stratovolcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

DIKY GREBEN Lava domes Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

KURILE LAKE Caldera Radiocarbon Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

ILYINSKY Stratovolcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

ZHELTOVSKY Stratovolcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

KELL Stratovolcanoes Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

BELENKAYA Stratovolcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

KSUDACH Stratovolcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

OZERNOY Shield volcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

OLKOVIY VOLCANIC GROUP Holocene Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

KHODUTKA Stratovolcanoes Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

PIRATKOVSKY Stratovolcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

OSTANETS Shield volcanoes Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

OTDELNIY Shield volcanoes Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

GOLAYA Stratovolcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

ASACHA Complex volcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

VISOKIY Stratovolcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

MUTNOVSKY Complex volcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

GORELY Caldera Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

OPALA Caldera Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

UNNAMED Cinder cone Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

TOLMACHEV DOL Cinder cones Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

VILYUCHIK Stratovolcano Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

BARKHATNAYA SOPKA Lava domes Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

UNNAMED Shield volcanoes Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

UNNAMED Shield volcanoes Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

BOLSHE-BANNAYA Lava domes Southern Kamchatka (Russia)

KORYAKSKY Stratovolcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

AVACHINSKY Stratovolcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

DZENZURSKY Compound volcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

ZHUPANOVSKY Compound volcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

VEER Cinder cones Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

KOSTAKAN Cinder cones Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

BAKENING Stratovolcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

ZAVARITSKY Cinder cones Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

AKADEMIA NAUK Stratovolcanoes Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

KARYMSKY Stratovolcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

MALY SEMIACHIK Calder Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

BOLSHOI SEMIACHIK Stratovolcanoes Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

TAUNSHITS Stratovolcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

UZON Calderas Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

KIKHPINYCH Stratovolcanoes Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

KRASHENINNIKOV Caldera Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

KRONOTSKY Stratovolcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

SCHMIDT Shield volcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

GAMCHEN Complex volcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

KOMAROV Stratovolcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

VYSOKY Stratovolcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

KIZIMEN Stratovolcano Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

UNNAMED Cinder cones Eastern Kamchatka (Russia)

TOLBACHIK Shield volcano Central Kamchatka (Russia)

UDINA Stratovolcanoes Central Kamchatka (Russia)

ZIMINA Stratovolcanoes Central Kamchatka (Russia)

BEZYMIANNY Stratovolcano Central Kamchatka (Russia)

KAMEN Stratovolcano Central Kamchatka (Russia)

KLIUCHEVSKOI Stratovolcano Central Kamchatka (Russia)

USHKOVSKY Compound volcano Central Kamchatka (Russia)

SHIVELUCH Stratovolcano Central Kamchatka (Russia)

PIIP Submarine volcano East of Kamchatka (Russia)

KHANGAR Stratovolcano Western Kamchatka (Russia)

CHERPUK GROUP Pyroclastic cones Western Kamchatka (Russia)

ICHINSKY Stratovolcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

MALY PAYALPAN Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

BOLSHOI PAYALPAN Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

PLOSKY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

AKHTANG Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

KOZYREVSKY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

ROMANOVKA Stratovolcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

UKSICHAN Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

BOLSHOI-KEKUKNAYSKY Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

KULKEV Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

GEODESISTOY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

ANAUN Stratovolcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

KRAINY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

KEKURNY Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

EGGELLA Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

UNNAMED Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

VERKHOVOY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

ALNEY-CHASHAKONDZHA Stratovolcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

CHERNY Stratovolcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

POGRANYCHNY Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

ZAOZERNY Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

BLIZNETS Stratovolcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

KEBENEY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

FEDOTYCH Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

SHISHEIKA Lava dome Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

TERPUK Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

SEDANKINSKY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

LEUTONGEY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

TUZOVSKY Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

GORNY INSTITUTE Stratovolcano Radiocarbon Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

KINENIN Maar Radiocarbon Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

BLIZNETSY Lava cone Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

TITILA Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

MEZHDUSOPOCHNY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

SHISHEL Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

ELOVSKY Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

ALNGEY Stratovolcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

UKA Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

KAILENEY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

PLOSKY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

BELY Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

NYLGIMELKIN Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

SNEZHNIY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

IKTUNUP Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

SPOKOINY Stratovolcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

OSTRY Stratovolcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

SNEGOVOY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

SEVERNY Shield volcano Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

IETTUNUP Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

VOYAMPOLSKY Shield volcanoes Westerm Kamchatka (Russia)

SIKHOTE-ALIN Volcanic field Southeastern Russia

UDOKAN PLATEAU Pyroclastic cones Southeastern Russia

VITIM PLATEAU Cinder cones Southeastern Russia

TUNKIN DEPRESSION Volcanic field Holocene? Southeastern Russia

OKA PLATEAU Cinder cones Holocene Southeastern Russia

AZAS PLATEAU Volcanic field Holocene Southeastern Russia

TARYATU-CHULUTU Volcanic field Mongolia

KHANUY GOL Volcanic field Mongolia

BUS-OBO Cinder cone Mongolia


MIDDLE GOBI Cinder cones Mongolia

TURFAN Cone Western China

TIANSHAN VOLCANIC GROUP Volcanic field Western China

KUNLUN VOLCANIC GROUP Pyroclastic cones Western China

UNNAMED Volcanic field Western China

HONGGEERTU Cinder cones Eastern China

ARSHAN Cinder cones Eastern China

KELUO GROUP Pyroclastic cones Eastern China

WUDALIANCHI Volcanic field Eastern China

JINGBO Volcanic field Eastern China

LONGGANG GROUP Cinder cones Eastern China

CHANGBAISHAN Stratovolcano China-Korea border

XIANJINDAO Unknown Korea

CH'UGA-RYONG Shield volcano Korea

ULREUNG Stratovolcano Korea

HALLA Shield volcano Korea

OKI-DOGO Shield volcano West of Honshu (Japan)

IZU-TOBU Pyroclastic cones Honshu

HAKONE Complex volcano Honshu

FUJI Stratovolcano Honshu

KITA YATSUGA-TAKE Stratovolcanoes Honshu

ON-TAKE Complex volcano Honshu

HAKU-SAN Stratovolcano Honshu

NORIKURA Stratovolcanoes Honshu

YAKE-DAKE Stratovolcanoes Honshu

WASHIBA-KUMONOTAIRA Shield volcanoes Honshu

TATE-YAMA Stratovolcano Honshu

NIIGATA-YAKE-YAMA Lava dome Honshu

MYOKO Stratovolcano Honshu

ASAMA Complex volcano Honshu 20

The largest eruptions in the region are: Mout Unzen erupted in 1996 Tolbachik in Kamchatka had a large eruption in 1975. Shiveluch in 1964 in Kamchatka Bezymianny in 1956 in Kamchatka Kiliuchevskoi in 1931 in Kamchatka Komaga-Take in 1929 in Japan Avachinsky in 1926 in Kamchatka Iriomote-Jima in 1924 in Japan Sakera Jima in 1914 in Japan 20


The largest earthquakes in the region ever were a 1976 earthquake in Tangstan, China,a 1920 earthquake in Haiyun China, a 1948 one in Ashgabat Turkministan, a 1923 one in Kanto Japan, and a 2008 one in Eastern Sichuan, China 19

The vast majority of the earthquakes in the region are on the boundrie of the Pacific and Eurasian Plates in the areas of Kamchatka and Japan 6


http://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/ 1 http://www.tulane.edu/~riomar/images/Chapter%201.pdf 2 http://depts.washington.edu/silkroad/maps/physical/etopo.html 3 http://www.srh.noaa.gov/jetstream/global/climate_max.htm 4 http://koeppen-geiger.vu-wien.ac.at/present.htm 5 Google Earth. 6 http://www.oceanmotion.org/ 7 http://www.worldbookonline.com/advanced/article?id=ar410020&st=pacific+ocean 8 http://www.worldbookonline.com/advanced/article?id=ar569220 9 http://ga.water.usgs.gov/edu/watercycleice.html 10 http://maps.howstuffworks.com/world-energy-minerals-map.htm 11 http://www.mapsofworld.com/world-mineral-map.htm 12 https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/rs.html 13 http://www.summitpost.org/aag-arik-volcano/153886 14 http://www.mapsnworld.com/geology-and-soil.html 15 http://encyclopedia.farlex.com/Asian+geology 16 http://www.mbendi.com/indy/ming/cppr/as/p0005.htm 17 http://www.mbendi.com/indy/ming/dmnd/as/p0005.htm#10 18 http://earthquake.usgs.gov/earthquakes/world/most_destructive.php 19 http://www.volcano.si.edu/world/region.cfm?rnum=08&rpage=list 20


</references> Image 1: http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.shokhirev.com/nikolai/projects/sib/Siberia.gif&imgrefurl=http://www.shokhirev.com/nikolai/projects/sib/siberia.html&usg=__T8IXOvij29SDkrnXUQ6mmDmTWCw=&h=395&w=531&sz=109&hl=en&start=4&zoom=1&tbnid=PBV9m9N9bu79HM:&tbnh=98&tbnw=132&ei=3U6xTp6QJKbksQKV873WAQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dnorthern%2Basia%26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1 http://www.volcano.si.edu/world/region.cfm?rnum=10&rpage=list

Image 2:http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4b/Everest_kalapatthar_crop.jpg/280px-Everest_kalapatthar_crop.jpg&imgrefurl=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mount_Everest&usg=__BXgWCMbJmRv-jHbL37Fv6FUusO4=&h=188&w=280&sz=15&hl=en&start=1&zoom=1&tbnid=ZJSKLWdm8097kM:&tbnh=77&tbnw=114&ei=5vOzToDvG_Ly2gXtxsnMDQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3DMount%2BEverest%26hl%3Den%26gbv%3D2%26tbm%3Disch&itbs=1

Image 3:http://www.google.com/imgres?q=Sea+of+Japan&um=1&hl=en&safe=active&client=safari&sa=N&rls=en&biw=1359&bih=1223&tbm=isch&tbnid=XNR-jkZHKZFMjM:&imgrefurl=http://www.123rf.com/photo_1006255_sea-of-japan-rocky-coast.html&docid=j68yIARw5eRdGM&imgurl=http://us.123rf.com/400wm/400/400/tatisol/tatisol0706/tatisol070600018/1006255-sea-of-japan-rocky-coast.jpg&w=400&h=297&ei=sYi2Tr2FNqfosQLT1uD1Aw&zoom=1
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