Describe the culture

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The Israelites began their civilization in the Cisjordan Mountains since they were forced out of the fertile crescent by the Canaanites from the north, and the Egyptians from the south. The mountains were very steep and not suitable for farming, and rainfall was unpredictable and hard to obtain. But the Israelites adapted to their living conditions and invented new ways to get the supplies they needed. They are credited for being the first people to develop the cistern, large holes in the ground that were lined with stone and collected the runoff rain water from the mountains. They also developed a terracing system in which they cut large shelves out of the mountain side to make them suitable for growing crops. Their main crops were cereal crops as well as wine and oil

Division of Labor

Women were charged with producing the next generation, and men were in charge of the defense of their civilization and harvesting crops. Women would work in the fields as well as in the house since women only working in the house is a modern idea. Women also did the cooking, and developed easier ways of cooking. They also rationed the food that the family had so the family wouldn't starve when winter came.

Social Structure

Israelites lived in small homes consisting of a nuclear family and built around a courtyard connecting the houses of the extended family. There were no public buildings and no central government, so the most important social structure was the family.


Ancient Israel In Context

History Manual Written by Rosie Beniretto and Clay Elliot