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Zoot Suit Riots: - series of riots that happened during WWII in Los Angeles between white sailors and the Latino community - wool was rationed during WWII - zoot suits were baggy, wool suits - sailers would try to tear off suits from young Mexican Americans (drag out of movie theaters + articles describing how to "de-zoot zoot suiters") - thought Latino community was provoking them by displaying extravagance during war times - ties to Invisible Man: judging people by stereotypes and appearances, power struggle between whites and minorities

Marcus Garvey -founded Black Star Line—>attempted to move Blacks back to Africa (Back to Africa Movement) -very pro black; anti-white->similar to Ras the Exhorter -part of Rastafarian Movement; came to be seen as a prophet -promoted Pan-Africanism -Du Bois feared that Garvey's activities would undermine his efforts toward black rights -"I regard the Klan, the Anglo-Saxon clubs and White American societies, as far as the Negro is concerned, as better friends of the race than all other groups of hypocritical whites put together. I like honesty and fair play. You may call me a Klansman if you will, but, potentially, every white man is a Klansman, as far as the Negro in competition with whites socially, economically and politically is concerned, and there is no use lying."