1. How does Gilgamesh use the power of the king?

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Gilgamesh, a powerful and influential man, abused his power. Specifically in pursuing other men's wives. He was known for sleeping with other men's wives and many were becoming intolerant of his behavior. This trait of his is shown through a story about Enkidu. The God's create a wild animal named Enkidu to keep Gilgamesh's intentions in check. But Gilgamesh uses his power to have a woman seduce Enkidu turning him human. When Gilgamesh is about to step into a woman's chambers. Enkidu, already outraged by being exiled from the animal community, steps in front of the doors, blocking Gilgamesh. They fight for a long time, but eventually, Gilgamesh comes out on top. As a sign of respect, Gilgamesh befriends Enkidu and they become partners. The original plan of restricting Gilgamesh worked out to help him and build up his power by adding Enkidu. Gilgamesh and Enkidu move on to abusively control Mesopotamia.


Kate Ainbinder

For extra Information:


In-class Gilgamesh computer exercise