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The Sumerians invented the world's first form of writing in around 3000 BC. They carved triangular and wedge-shaped symbols into wet clay tablets with dried reeds. This script was called cuneiform. Each symbol stood for a particular sound. For example, the Sumerian word for barley
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was "she", so, scribes would write a series of symbols which, when put together, would form the word barley. Cuneiform symbols could be arranged in
many different ways to spell words in many different Mesopotamian languages. Mesopotamians used the writing to record daily events (such as births and marriages), momentous occasions (such as a coronation), literature (such as the myths like ''The Epic of Gilgamesh''), astronomy to determine the calendar (which was used to identify the dates of holidays) and later, laws.
However, the overwhelming majority of writing was used for economic purposes. Figures, accounts, bills, prices, business and land transactions, taxes
owed and taxes payed, inventories: these were the most common use for cuneiform.
- Sophie Gillard
== References ==
Ancient Origins: History Manual, pg.89
Websites: [http://www.mesopotamia.co.uk/writing/story/sto_set.html]

Revision as of 14:56, 8 December 2015

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