11. Despite all of Gilgamesh's power, he is unable to prevent Enkidu's death, and the narrative changes direction. How can one describe Gilgamesh as a hero in the last half of the work?

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In the last half of the work, Gilgamesh proves himself a hero. He sets off on a dangerous journey, and gets to his destination. He struggles to achieve his goals. Although he does not end up achieving his goal, his effort shows his dedication and hard work. Most importantly, once he has failed, he comes out of the situation with a positive outlook. He realizes that although he can not live forever, humankind will. Also, although he is empty-handed, he realizes that leaving a lasting impact is more worthwhile than immortality and that life is plentiful and good the way it is. This shows his ability to accept defeat when the time is right, to appreciate the life given to him, and to live every day cherishing what he has instead of being angry about what he does not.



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