13. What new tools appeared at this time?

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Back to History 8 Agriculture Concepts

During the Neolithic Age, farming as a way of life really began to captivate the human race (CF Manual 66). However, new tools and appliances to help the farming process did not appear until the majority of the population farmed. One of the earliest tools designed and built to make farming easier was a sharp stick used for digging into soil. This stick would evolve to become the plow after years of adaptations and usage. Soon plows were used by domesticated animals such as oxen to make work faster and easier for the farmers (CF Manual 66). After centuries of slow development, iron tips were added onto the plow, making is much easier to use. The addition of metal tips allowed for a wider range of usage for the plow, and now harsher land could be cultivated with the help of the improved tool. Early farmers even went so far as to attach funnels onto plows so they could plant seeds more efficiently, adding yet another benefit to this farming implement.

However, Neolithic humans also continued to develop flint arrowheads and other weapons since they still hunted wild animals as a source of protein. The development of weapons eventually led to sharper farming tools such as scythes, which are used for cutting grain. Nevertheless, although plenty of other tools were invented around this time period, the most important one was the plow: an innovative new farming tool that would change everyone's way of life.

For more information and example photographs, please see this website on Neolithic Tools

- Grace Sanders


CF Manual

"Neolithic Stone Tools." Museum of the Stone Age. Richard Milton, 26 Aug. 2014. Web. 16 Jan. 2015. <http://www.stoneagetools.co.uk/neolithic-gallery.htm>.