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Around 1900 BC, there was a shift in the Babylonian Empire. A group called the Amorites gained control and revolutionized the Babylonian government. The period in which the Amorites ruled is called the Old Babylonian period. During this period of time, the Amorites based their capital in the city of Babylon and created a more centralized government with city-states. In order to justify the power of the monarch, the Old Babylonians believed that the monarch had divine power and was a god. This new monarchy brought taxation and involuntary military service into the state to organize and manage the state and its resources. The shift to the Babylonian empire also caused there to be greater attention paid to details such as keeping accurate records of duties such as military drafts. Babylonians admired and respected the traditions of their ancestors, who they felt were closer to the gods. The expansion of bureaucracy was accepted as an inevitable change because the shift to the Babylonian Empire increased trade and territory. The most important innovations were centralization, accurate record keeping, and the expansion of bureaucracy.
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Sources: manual page 92, external link: http://goo.gl/gJiUTj  for additional images and information please visit http://www.ancient.eu/hammurabi/
-Leanna Shebib

Revision as of 14:59, 8 December 2015

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