18. Neanderthal Tools

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Return to History 8 Human Origins Concepts

Neanderthals ability to make tools was a much needed skill to survive in their environment. Neanderthals used a technique called the prepared core method. By hitting one rock with another rock repeditavely, the Neanderthals slowly wore away the rock to make it sharper. Often times, Neanderthals would attach these rocks to a wooden stick to create a knife, spear or hand-axe. With this tool, it was a much easier task to hunt for meat. Large animals such as mammoths, or heard of horses were hunted by the Neanderthals, providing them with lots of food.

-Scotty Malcolm


External Source http://www.amnh.org/exhibitions/permanent-exhibitions/human-origins-and-cultural-halls/anne-and-bernard-spitzer-hall-of-human-origins/neanderthal-tools

Manual "Cultural Origins of Humans" Origins. Comp. Rosie Beniretto. Ed Ganesa Collins. Houston,Texas St John's School, 2015-2016. 34-37. Print