22. Technology

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Return to History 8 Human Origins Concepts

Technology: the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science. definition taken from [[1]]

Aurignacians The main discovery of the Aurignacians was the blade. They were also the first group to make a tool using other tools they made.

Gravettians They had many sophisticated techniques for working stone. They used the atlatl, a device which was used to throw spears with more accuracy and farther distances. Their greatest technological development was the use of animal and fish traps. It is also quite likely they used darts to kill small animals and birds. Atlatl: [2]

Magdalenians They were very inventive about tools, but mainly the Magdalenians worked to master art. Their major tool invention was the bow and arrow. They also created barbed spears, harpoons, and a fat burning lamp.

Natufians Some of the artifacts that have been found for the Natufians are tools such as the grinding stone, flint, and other bone tools. They also used dentalium shell ornaments. Dentalanium Shells: [3]

Information gathered from Manuel pages 32-37