7. Frame of reference What does it do?

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Day the Universe Changed: Changing Knowledge, Changing Reality

According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a frame of reference is, "A set of ideas, conditions, or assumptions that determine how something will be approached, perceived, or understood."[1] A frame of reference gives you basis for beliefs, judgments, and morals.

A long time ago, frames of reference were very small and as you saw in the video, that wasn't a good thing. People weren't very happy when Galileo proposed that the planets didn't revolve around Earth, as Aristotle had said many years earlier. The people put Galileo under house arrest because they believed that what he had proposed was morally wrong and since their frame of references were so small, they couldn't ever believe this new theory was right. [2]


Day the Universe Changed: Changing Knowledge, Changing Reality