7. Why is mythology a universal need?

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Mythology is a universal need for multiple reasons. To the people writing, mostly speaking, mythology and its origins, they are not myths. They are the real thing.

Mythology is needed because some people need to explain the inexplicable. Without modern science, we have to make our own reasons for things, such as why rain falls, how the earth was made, how the earth stays alive, the seasonal changes, and why the sun moves across the sky everyday. For these people, the myths are real. Real in a sense that they didn't know anything else and were forced to believe them. The better term for the "myths" is "sacred narratives." They became a part of religion and were added onto the already existing dances and rituals. The many peoples and cultures that still retain these myths base them off of real life facts and occurrences, though many are fictional and made from the imagination of one or more people.

Many of the myths today explain things in a way that most people can understand, but don't necessarily believe. It can explain death and disease. It can deal with healing and bringing the dead back to life. Myths can literally be about anything. So, why don't we use them in everday life here in America?

LM page 42
