8. Basis of national identity

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Back to History 8 Fifth Mountain Readings

National Identity

National Identity simply states that what a nation believes determines who they are. In the United States we have holidays such as Thanksgiving, the 4th July, and Memorial Day that we celebrate as a group. We no longer share a common language, however; we share our system of government and values.

Examples from The Fifth Mountain

1) "And the people of Akbar are courageous; they have the means to resist any invasion. (103)"

2) "Our princess is a courageous woman, and faithful to the gods... however much power she may have now, she is not an Israelite. (43)"


Examples source: The 5th Mountain

External source: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/us/definition/american_english/national-identity

Source for picture: http://www.indiana.edu/~iubhonor/hdextra/spring15/nationalidentity.php

Mary Kempner