Earth Science 7 - Gantgea

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Earth Science 7-Global Regions Index



Countries(in this case continents)

You name it, I've got it.

Latitude and Longitude

Latitude Range 90 degrees N to 75 degrees S

Longitude Range 90 degrees W to 20 degrees E (at the equator)[1],

Elevation Range

Elevation Range While the exact elevations of the highest and lowest points were difficult to determine, this interactive site will allow one to see the general topography of Gantgea. [2],

Large Bodies of Water Panthalassa Ocean and Tethys Sea

Topographic Features

Major Topoggraphic Features

  • Mountains - Ancestral Rockies, Appalachian, Hercynian , and Ural System


Climate Zones

Gantgea has many climates due it it's size and location on the planet. It has ET (Polar Tundra), Dfc (snow, humid, cool summer), Bwk (arid, winter dry, cool arid, Cfa (warm temperate, fully humid, hot summer). [4]

Factors that affect the climate of Gantgea:

Gantgea is completely surrounded by an ocean, Panthalassa, and stretches from the North pole almost to the South pole. For this reason we are able to find a wide range of climates on Gantgea. A large portion of the north, up to 50% is covered by glaciers. The Desjardins Range runs from N to S along the 10 degrees E longitude. This mountain chain causes a rain shadow on the eastern side causing the Gant Plateau to be a ******* climate region. Much of the coastal regions north of 40S are controlled by the ocean currents and latitude and are in the **************** climate zone.

  1. [1].
  2. [2].
  3. [3].
  4. [4].