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Return to History 8 India Vocabulary

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To have a full understanding of the meaning and purpose of all things. Enlightenment can be both secular as well as spiritual. It is a spiritual awakening to the world around you.[2]

Enlightenment in Hinduism

In the Hindu religion, one can achieve enlightenment by adhering to the Five Great Duties as well as adhering to spiritual discipline. Once you have reached enlightenment, you receive moksha, liberation from samsara, the cycle of reincarnation. Every person must go through samsara before the achieve enlightenment. When traveling through the cycle of reincarnation, one must take into account The Law of Karma and the Five Great Duties. Enlightenment is the goal of every Hindu person. Enlightenment also gives hope to the people of a lower caste because it gives them a goal in life and keeps them from making wrong choices for fear of creating bad karma and forever continuing samsara. Enlightenment creates a unity in the diversity of India, for every Indian person has a common goal in life. Hindus believe that one day, all people will achieve enlightenment and receive moksha.[3]

Enlightenment in Buddhism

Buddhism has a similar concept of moksha which they named nirvana. Nirvana is also received at the end of reincarnation, however, when nirvana is received, one can choose if they want to come back and not become one with the universe. [4]Buddha, also known as "The Enlightened One", created a way to achieve enlightenment which he called The Eightfold Path. By following the Eightfold path, one can be enlightened and receive nirvana. The Eightfold Path is a part of everyday life and must be fulfilled every day at all times in order to receive enlightenment. The Buddha's goal was to spread his knowledge around the world and help everyone achieve enlightenment.[5]

For additional information about enlightenment, visit http://endless-satsang.com/spiritual-enlightenment-spiritual-awakening.htm.


  1. http://thecostaricanews.com/enlightenment-revisited/7746
  2. In Class Notes March 28, 2012
  3. In Class Notes March 28, 2012
  4. In Class Notes April 2, 2012
  5. Manual for Cultural Foundations of Ancient Civilizations pg. 106-108