Why do the gods bring on the Flood? Is any reason given?

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The great flood that is said to have wiped all humans but one off the face of the earth is told by Utnapishtim in Tablet XI of Gilgamesh. Ea, god of the earth, chose Utnapishtim as the sole human to survive the disaster. While the gods were scared of the own horror they created, throughout "Gilgamesh," there is no exact reason as to why the gods caused this horrible disaster. After six days and nights of destruction, Ishtar weeps because of what has happened. Once Utnapishtim landed and made a sacrifice, however, the gods blame Enlil, who peremptorily began the flood. So, while no reason is given for the flood, the gods blame Enlil for beginning the flood before a final verdict had been made.



Gilgamesh by David Ferry