1. What is the Agricultural Revolution?

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Back to History 8 Agriculture Concepts The agricultural revolution is described as the transition from nomadic hunting and gathering societies to settled agrarian societies. In order to reflect the deep impact that agriculture had over the human population, an Australian archaeologist named Gordon Childe popularized the term “Neolithic Revolution” in the 1940s CE. However, today, it is believed that the impact of agricultural innovation was exaggerated in the past: the development of Neolithic culture appears to have been a gradual rather than a sudden change. Agriculture triggered such a change in society and the way in which people lived that its development has been dubbed the Neolithic Revolution.





"Neolithic Revolution." Origins. Comp. Rosie Beniretto. Ed Genesa Collins Houston, Texas: St.Johns School, 2015-2016. Chapter 5. page 72

- Sydney Buchman