1. possesvie individualism

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Back to *History 8 Mesopotamia Vocabulary

Possessive individualism is one of the three basic tenets of western civilization. The other two consist of scientific utility, and free market philosophy. Possessive individualism is the idea of the world as a thing owned by individual people, and it defends the right of the individual to take part in the system of "capitalist free-enterprise." Possessive is defined as " not willing to share things with or lend things to other people" and individualism is defined as "the belief that the needs of each person are more important than the needs of the whole society or group." So together the idea of possessive individualism is a very important piece to the basic tenants of the west.



http://asbd.atilim.edu.tr/shares/sbedergi/files/asbd2012_02_06_Utku.pdf ]

"Mesopetamia." Origins. Comp. Rosie Beniretto. Ed Genesa Collins Houston, Texas: St.Johns School, 2015-2016. Chapter 7. page 92

Sydney Buchman