10. What did this new crop do to their lifestyle? Describe their new way of living.

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Grain let our ancestors have a reliable source of food. With that, they now had the responsibility of storing. To use what they had stored, our ancestors had to stay in one place in order to actually use the supply. Our ancestors built huts to live in, and had to adapt to a new lifestyle. This made a dramatic change to their society because they now had the symbolic thinking of a sense of home and belonging. Also, it involved a change from loyalties of an individual from the mobile social group to a place that they could call home.


Addie Seeligson



The First Farmers Video Guide

picture from: http://www.tslr.net/2008/03/10000bc.html

read more at https://books.google.com/books?id=BETJVbcGd3sC&pg=PA66&lpg=PA66&dq=symbolism+of+Natufian+homes&source=bl&ots=wNZUGLaiAx&sig=OxN1KHeELepztTZMJpJ8R3dRRWg&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjK7ZKs-6LJAhVNxWMKHcRSAuMQ6AEIODAE#v=onepage&q=symbolism%20of%20Natufian%20homes&f=false (mostly pages 61-62)