104-115 Summary

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Return to History 8 Human Origins Bone From a Dry Sea


In pages 104-115, Li and the tribe develop a close relationship with the dolphins. They learn how to fish together so that both the dolphins and the tribe benefits from the abundant catching of fish. Meanwhile, the males Kerif and Tong fight for leadership as Presh recovers form his injury. However, once the tribe manages to haul in numerous fish, the tribe is satisfied and is no longer angry towards Presh.


Relationship with Dolphins

The relationship is key to the tribe's survival. Without the dolphins help, the tribe would not have been able to catch fish to the level of success of which they had due to the dolphins' fish surrounding and trapping expertise.

"Then they swam together, dolphins and people, through the greeny-golden sea world, not in a wild dance full of rush and foam but in a slow, close, gentle weaving of bodies in the friendly water, while the dolphins' song went on and on, filling the sea like the wavering sunlight" (Dickinson 107).

Prestige and Leadership

Prestige and leadership are very essential to a functioning tribal life. "Prestige is like food. It must be frequently given and taken or its effect dwindles away" (Dickinson 110). Without proper prestige and leadership, the tribe will suffer as if they had no food.

"It was Kerif's fault, and Tong's. When times were good Leaders accepted the prestige, but when times were bad the blame was all on them" (Dickinson 109).

Beginnings of Beliefs

The beginnings of beliefs were important headways made by Li's ancient tribe. Beliefs explain events and patterns that occur in nature. If one understood and recognized beliefs, he was a step above the rest and could derive occurrences in nature.

"Thoughts drifted through her mind--the hunt, the dance, the song. These things had a meaning, a pattern she could almost see" (Dickinson 107).

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