11. ID Jericho

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Back to History 8 Agriculture Vocabulary

Jericho, a small regional center formed from a surplus of crops in the Neolithic Revolution, is an ancient city located in the Middle East, commonly known for its appearance and significance in the Old and New Testament. Jericho is famous for its momentous walls, indicating the important role that violence and warfare played in it's society. Also, this cities economic range remained localized, speciallizing and dealing with cities located near their own, with little trade or specialization in general. Jericho was first formed in 10,800-8,500 BC by the Nautufian culture when early hunter gathers were first transistioning from an nomadic life to a agricultural one. It is an perfect example of one of the early civilizations which struggled to succeed on its own, but eventually triumphed, providing one nowadays with a perfect example of the effects the Neolithic Revolution had on our world.

16c01-9.jpg Ancient (Biblical) Walls of Jericho

image.axd?picture=A-New-Look-WEB.jpg First Archeological Excavation of Ancient Jerico

Juliette Draper

Sources: archaeology.about.com/od/jterms/qt/jericho.htm

Manual pg. 68