11. ID King David

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Return to History 8 Near East Vocabulary

King David, king of Israel, was known for his skills of both a writer and a warrior. David ruled for 40 years, from approx 1010-970 BCE. David was the 8th and youngest son of Jesse from Judah. David started his life as a Shepard, One day, the prophet Samuel called him out of the field and anointed him without the knowledge of the current king, Saul. David then became a musician for Saul. He fought in many battles ,united the people of Israel, led them to victory in battle, and conquered vast amounts of land. One of David's finest achievements was confronting the nine-foot, Philistine giant, Goliath of Gath, and taking him out with a slingshot, rock, and sword. David Had one son, Solomon, who he told to build a Holy Temple to Yahweh, their one true God. Later, David began to die, and gave his last instructions to his son, telling him to follow the words of God and to repay specific people that had either wronged David or helped him. Then, David died after 40 years as king, and was buried in the City of David.


Sources: http://www.newadvent.org/cathen/04642b.htm (Info) https://www.thewrap.com/entertainment-one-developing-bible-mafia-drama-mashup-king-david/ (Picture)

By: William Goodgame