12. Name and explain the mainstays of Egyptian civilization

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Back to History 8 Egypt Questions

FROM THE TEXT "So in the predynastic period, the mainstays of later Egypt: efficient farming, metal-working, centrally organized irrigation, pottery, stone-working, ceremonial and monumental architecture, elaborate burials, and long-distance trade were all established. For the Egyptians then, divine kingship was the guarantee of a stable cosmos. The mainstays of Egyptian civilizations is their beliefs in their gods. The most important god or goddess that the Egyptians worshipped is Ma'at. Ma'at is depicted as a goddess, and she was the philosophy of justice, law, and ethics. The Egyptians believed that these concepts were to be the foundation of truth, universal order, and harmony. She also controlled the codes of tradition and customs. In the ancient Egyptian civilization, the pharaoh was represented as Ma'at on earth, and he was the highest of authority." This is a critical question page 127. RB


Sources: Manual page 120, [1]

Katy Shafer