12. values

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Back to *History 8 Neolithic Revolution Vocabulary

A value by definition is the "relative worth, merit, or importance" of an object ([[1]])

This is not entirely the case coming from a historical standpoint. In history, Ideology can be broken down into three categories: beliefs, values, and ideals. Beliefs give people an "understanding of how the world works and how they should respond to the actions of others and their environments (Manual pg 56)." Values tell the people "the difference between right or wrong or good or bad (Manual pg 56)." Lastly, Ideals "serve as models for what people hope to achieve in life(Manual pg 56)."

Values are a vital part to human daily life. Without human values, one does not know what is good or bad, nice or mean, right or wrong. If values were cut out from daily life, civilization would be ruined and nobody would know what to do. Values formed over time through History as people learned and discovered new things. Each person will have their own set of values or morals that they try to follow during their life. Usually these values are good and they have good intentions but other times the values are bad and trouble breaks out. The values of a person are much like the intentions of a person throughout life. Without Values in our human society, no one would have any idea of what to do.

Stuart Randall