16. Why did civilizations not begin with agriculture?

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Back to History 8 Agriculture Concepts

Agriculture could not begin civilization as it did not allow the members of the community to specialize in other areas. There was a large time gap between the rise of agriculture and the later rise of civilization in the Middle East, as well as in many other places around the world. Successful communities that survived through agriculture had very localized production, which made them able to support a small population, although there were often weather-related disasters, such as floods, excessive rainfall, droughts, hail, and so forth, as well as problems harvesting the food. Because localized agriculture didn't create an abundant food source, the people in the community were not able to focus on other things besides their crops, such as making pots or weaving cloth. Therefore, civilization could not be created, as everyone was focused on one task, and trade, government, and other staple of civilization could not be established. However, as agriculture slowly spread, different tools and inventive ideas sprung up over the Middle East, as well as other areas, and civilizations were finally able to be established.


Small communities such as this one were not able to develop into civilizations for a long time, as everyone had to focus on harvesting the food, which would allow them to survive, rather than specializing in different trades.

[[1]] Ancient Orgins, page 77. [[2]]

Julia Smith