16. Why was the use of fire and tools by hominids so important to human evolution?

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In human history, fire is one of the most important discoveries of all time. According to the manual, Fire allowed the Homo Ergasters to travel to colder places without freezing. It was an essential when it came to moving to colder regions. Imagine traveling to the windy Eastern steppes without fire, this would be almost impossible to survive a winter in a place like that. Fire did many other things such as allowed them to cook food. Cooking the food that they ate allowed more function of the brain. Fire allowed hunters to hunt bigger game. They accomplished this by fire hardening spears that they used to kill the animals. Fire was a revolutionary discovery and it is something that we need to survive today.


Extra info- http://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/why-fire-makes-us-human-72989884/