18. What were the effects of irrigation?

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Irrigation is an artificial stream of water used to control farming. In order to build an irrigation system, a community must come together and put all their efforts into this long-term project. Completing this project is a large achievement for ancient societies and takes community discipline and motivation. Leaders began to emerge and take control of the work projects. Along with leaders came a more complex and organized economy and political system. These leaders claim to have been chosen by the Gods and the community would not dare to cross the Gods. The leaders’ claim creates the idea of state Gods (rather than personal Gods). Not only has the community come together in working on the irrigation projects, but they have also agreed on mutual Gods to believe in. While the community is bonding, they also begin to spread apart. The control and power the leaders have create social classes. This also works as a motivator for the workers to achieve a higher status.


Kate Ainbinder


in class video & video guide: "End of Stone Age"

manual page 79

picture: https://rootingforfood.wordpress.com/2014/05/28/irrigation-impacts/

for extra information go to: http://journals.cambridge.org/action/displayAbstract?fromPage=online&aid=9207896