19. Define and explain the concept of ma'at.

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Back to History 8 Egypt Questions Ma'at is the ancient egyptian word for "truth." Egyptians believed that it was the base of universal order and harmony. -Manual page 120

Ancient Egyptians believed that the universe always had Ma'at, and was always ordered and rational. If order was upset, it would soon be put right again. They believed that purity was rewarded but sin was punished. This idea of Ma'at was the basis of egyptian society. -Class notes

There was thought to be a goddess of the same name, Ma'at, who helped to create truth, justice, order, and harmony. Balance on earth was thought to be directly connected to her. She was the daughter of the sun god Ra, and pharaohs are often painted as making an offering to her to keep balance in Egypt. [1]

She wore an ostrich feather, the same feather that an Egyptian's heart was weighed against at death. If your heart was lighter, you were part of order and justice and therefore worthy of eternal life. If your heart was heavier, you were a part of sin and impurity, and therefore not worthy of eternal life, so would be eaten by Ammut the Devouress. -class notes and Eater of Souls by Lynda S. Robinson.


This image of the goddess Ma'at is from the Book of the Dead. It was found on the Ancient Egyptian Philosophy website. [2]

-Noel Madland