2. How did they overcome the lack of water in their area?

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Return to *History 8 The End of the Stone Age Video Notes

The Ghassoulians civilization didn't live near a large body of water like a river or the Mediterranean sea. This encouraged the Ghassoulians to band together as a city to create a flood water irrigation system. An Irrigation system is a to get a steady flow of fresh water from flood waters. However, this was no major project, this type of engineering would take hundreds, if not thousands of people. To create a project on this large of a scale there would have to be a social hierarchy to control the people, which proves the beginning of social classes. The Irragation system was dug out for several miles and the trench was outlined in stone. The System ran to the fields to give water to the olive trees and other crops as well as running through the city.



1. Neolithic video 2. Notes

Douglas Parsley