22. Djedefre

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Return to History 8 Egypt ID's

Being the third king of the fourth dynasty, Djedefre ascended to the throne as the son of Khufu. He married Khentetka and had at least four sons, and one daughter. One of his main significances was he acquired the name "son of Re", meaning the son of the sun god. Turin king allowed him eight years to reign, but due to some cattle counts, people say he ruled for longer. Djedefre built his pyramid to the north of Giza, in Abu - Rawash, potentially because of family disputes, causing a split in the family. Djedefre allegedly constructed the first sphinx in ancient Egypt.In his pyramid a statue of his wife, Hetepheres II, is formed into a sphinx. Later on in his reign, Djedefre was succeeded by his younger half brother, Menkaure.


Sources: Manual pg. 125 http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/djedefre.htm http://www.ancientegyptonline.co.uk/djedefre.html

Picture Source: http://www.touregypt.net/featurestories/djedefre.htm

Whitney Wilson