23. Ankhesenpaaten

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'Return to History 8 Egypt ID's

Ankhesenamun was the third daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. She was Tutankhamun’s half sister and married Tutankhamun when he was nine. She was several years older than him.

After Tutankhamun died, “Ankhesenamun wrote to Suppiliumas, the Hittite king, requesting one of this sons for her to marry and make pharaoh. After some investigation by Suppiliumas, this request was granted, but his son, Zannanza was killed en-rout while traveling through Syria.”

After the Hittite prince was killed, Ankhensenamun was forced to marry Ay which enabled Ay to become Pharaoh. Ankhesenamun died shortly after Ay. “In fact, her image has been hacked out on several monuments, and it has been suggested that her dealings with the Hittites may have disgraced her, resulting in her death.”



Michael Urdahl