23. How did trade develop and what are some of the effects?

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Trade developed as a result of specialized jobs. Because of the surplus of food created by the agricultural revolution, cities developed specialized jobs, such as weavers, smelters, and brewers. These specialized craftsmen were, however, limited to their regions' resources, so precious objects in one city were different than precious objects in another. Trade began because people from other cities wanted goods from other cities that they did not have access to. Some of the effects of trade were that people, goods, and ideas began moving around and changing many people's frame of reference. Also, trade became a status symbol and a way to express friendship with other countries. For example, if a country cuts trade off with you, it's usually perceived as a informal declaration of war. Also, if you have trade with many powerful countries, your country is perceived as wealthier by many other countries.



Thomas Goodgame

Sources: Agricultural Revolution 8th Period Google Document, http://www.economicsonline.co.uk/Global_economics/Why_do_countries_trade.html