23. What technology developments did the Magdaleninas introduce?

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The Magdalenians introduced many new tools used for a wide range of things, such as the bone and arrow, microliths, and fat burning lamps. Microliths are "small Mesolithic flint tool which was made from a blade and formed part of hafted tools" (1). The Magdalenians also created barbed spears and harpoons. All of these tools allowed for easier and more efficient hunting. The bow and arrow allowed Magdalenian hunters to hunt from farther away, therefore lessening the risk of injury or death. Barbed spears made it very hard for animals to escape, increasing the likelihood of catching it, and harpoons made it easier for people in coastal areas to kill animals in the water. These tools made it easier to hunt, but the Magdalenians developed tools such as the needle to sew clothes and huts for better shelter. The Magdalenians technological developments made their life easier and paved the way for cultures in the future.


The Manual


(1) http://www.thefreedictionary.com/microlith

Lexie Farnell