24. What role does population play in the development of society?

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In hunter-gatherer societies, women needed a gap of three to four years between having children because infants are highly dependent and ill-suited for a mobile lifestyle. But, once people started settling in permanent homes, woman did not need a large gap between having children, so woman began to have children much more frequently. Because of the new population spike, animal and plant cultivation techniques became much more refined. It was now possible to feed an entire community of people from a relatively small food source and have food left over to store during the winter months. People in agricultural communities were less exposed to the harshness of nature than the hunter gatherer communities and had a higher rate of survival. The spike in the populate became larger and cities and towns formed.


Eight History Manual- Ancient Origins http://agriculturegoods.com/the-importance-of-agriculture/ Photo- https://ferrebeekeeper.wordpress.com/tag/eridu/

Julia Jones