29. Amonhotep I

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Amenhotep The First

His father was Ahmose 1

His mother was Ahmose-Nefretiri

His birth name meant Amun is content, however, his throne name was Ra is Holy (Djeserkare). His legacy was earned through military prowess. He moved south into Nubia and solidified the ability to create gold of the egyptians and reestablished the boundary of Egypt at the Second Cataract of the Nile River. Despite small annoyances from the Hittites and the Bedouins, the Asian empire of Egypt was at its finest. He invaded Syria up to the Euphrates and river. He built extensively at Thebes, Luxor and Karknak. Upon his death he became a titular god, a rare honor, and also became the patron god of Deir-el Medina. He was the first pharaoh to build his tomb separate from the temple. His successor was Thutmose 1 because his birth son died as a baby.

Much of the Credit goes to Ayman Fadl and his website Aldokkan. http://www.aldokkan.com/egypt/amenhotep.htm