3. Explain the significance of events during Akhenaton's reign.

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Back to Eater of Souls In Eater of Souls one of the events during Akhenatens reign was "After killing Merens father for refusing to adopt a new god, Akhenaten had imprisoned the son and tested him. Beatings, starvation, threats, nothing had broken Meren and made him confess to betraying the kings parvenu god" (31). This is significant because Akhenaton introduced the idea of one god, which was very foreign to the Egyptian civilization. Akhenaton killed Merens father because Meren refused to change his beliefs. "Akhenaten defied tradition by establishing a new religion that believed that there is but one god; the sun god Aten." Which was illustrated in the novel when Merens father was "branded" with the sun symbol.





"Ancient Egypt." Origins. Comp. Rosie Beniretto. Ed Genesa Collins Houston, Texas: St.Johns School, 2015-2016. Chapter 7. page 120

Sydney Buchman