4. ID Abraham

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Return to History 8 Near East Vocabulary

Abraham was born in Ur under the name Abram in 1948 before Creation. He was the son of an idol merchant named Terach. Abram questioned his father's faith and he came to believe that the universe was created by a single Creator. He began to spread and teach his ideas to other people. One day, the creator came to Abram and told him if he left his home and his family, G-d, this is how the Jewish people mentioned God, would create a nation and Abram would be blessed. Abram became a nomad and traveled through modern day Israel. Eventually, Abram was becoming old and had no children. His wife, Sarai, knew that she could not bear a child anymore. Sarai offered her maidservant, Hagar as a wife to Abram. She bore Ishmael. When Abram was 100 and Sarai was 90, God say that Abram would have a son. God changed Abram to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah. Abraham meant father of many, and Sarah meant princess. Sarai bore Isaac. Abraham died at the age of 175


-History Manual Page 113



-Lawrence Appel