4. What was the role of irrigation in the urban revolution?

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Return to *History 8 Neolithic Revolution Concepts

As farming became more and more common among early neolithic civilizations, irrigation and fair sharing of water became a rising issue. Early humans settled in villages to protect themselves from others, and to have an easy source of water to farm with. Large groups of workers would need to be assembled to build larger irrigation systems. Along rivers such as the Nile and Tigris-Euphrates, there was plenty of water for all of the farmers, if they could share properly. Regulations and laws arose stating that everyone using the rivers as a water source would have equal access to the river. With laws, came government, and most likely some sort of law enforcement. As more laws and government came to exist, the civilizations became much more sophisticated, and with the new laws and government, farmers prospered.

Manual pages 49-50


Ben Cohen