5. Describe the unusual tool she discovered. What did that indicate?

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Dorothy Garrot found a tool known as a sickle that included a burn handle and sharp bone from various animals. The sickle had a specific purpose, it was used to cut the various grasses they discovered such as wheat, barley, and other wild grasses. The sharp bone in the sickle aided in the cutting and the burn handle helped the Natufians have a good grip to cut more wheat in one swipe. The sickle indicated the Natufians learned how to harvest wild resources around them. These grasses became a large part of the Natufians diet. Dorothy Garrot knew the sickle was used to cut grass because, when the tool was found, it had a coat of silica from the grasses harvested.


-Lindsay Gobillot


-Manual 63

-First Farmers Video Guide question 5



To read more on the Natufians and the sickle:
