5. Explain what Wood means by "landscape and climate are the key determining factors in the rise of civilization."

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Back to '''History 8 Mesopotamia Questions'' Wood means that certain factors in the landscape and climate of an area can determine if that area will host a civilization, in other words, certain areas are more likely to host a civilization than others because of their climate. For example, an area with a clean, reliable, source of water and good soil is very attractive to a farming civilization, so farmers are likely to move to and thrive in that area. Also, while Mesopotamia and the fertile crescent were good areas, the need for irrigated water limits the success of civilizations that depend on the irrigation. Basically, the strengths and weaknesses of a civilization, along with its development, often stem directly from the climate and landscape of the surrounding area.


By Jack Curtin

Sources: Origins Manual Online pg. 93-94


http://wonderopolis.org/wonder/where-is-the-fertile-crescent (image)