5. What happened to the Ghassoulians? What was their legacy?

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Return to *History 8 The End of the Stone Age Video Notes

The Ghassoulian's were a farming and trading settlement. They were located in the Jordan River Valley near the Dead Sea. Their settlements consisted of farmers, and immigrants from the north, who built mud-brick, trapezoid shaped houses. Their settlement location also made it very easy for them to trade with other settlements for resources vital for survival. They built irrigation systems from nearby springs to suit the needs of their crops. They traded many precious objects like copper weapons and salt, the white gold as they called it. But suddenly all trading between settlements halted and the Ghassoulian's died out in under 100 years. Even though their legacy was trading and crafting, after the trading halted, their crafted item were just not enough for survival.

Beckett Vine





2) End of the Stone Age Video Questions