6. What is the significance of the development of the thumb?

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History 8 Video Notes Becoming Human

The development of the thumb is one of the key features of homo sapiens. With the development of the thumb the earlier humans were able to grasp objects,touch their fingers to each other, and throw objects. This is important as animals such as dogs, cats, or mostly any animal except for primates can not easily hold objects, making it near impossible to use tools. With humans having the ability to grasp, they could hold sticks and stones leading to the development of tools such as the spear or axe. With the existence of an opposable thumb, the thumb would be able to rotate, allowing the homo species to write and create a sustaining written culture. Another use of the opposable thumb is the ability to throw. With the thumb being able to rotate, humans were able to pick up a rock or any object, hold it securely, then hurl it towards a target with accuracy and power, creating a chance for humans to hunt or work from far away. Overall, without the development of the thumb, humans would not have been able to use tools, create a written culture, or be able to throw efficiently.


Sources: Manual Page 24

Rice Webpage- http://www.ruf.rice.edu/~kemmer/Evol/opposablethumb.html


-Lawrence Appel