6. What significant changes occurred between 1950-1539 BCE in urban life and social organization?

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At approximately 1950 BCE, Canaan began to introduce new social class and architectural structure. At this time, palaces were built in the larger settlements, the settlements had power over the smaller nearby villages. For respect, rulers established their power through warfare, trade, building projects, and fine crafts. As well, leaders decorated cities with various buildings and temples. The cities also created ramparts around the city to provide protection from enemies. Also, the warriors began using bronze weapons. Ancient_Orient.png


Picture: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Timeline_of_Middle_Eastern_history

Canaan and Ancient Israel: http://www.penn.museum/sites/Canaan/MiddleBronzeAge.html

Manual: "The Levant: Canaan, Israel Phonecia"Origins. Comp. Rosie Beniretto. Ed. Ganesa Collins. Houston, Texas: St. John's School, 2015-2016. 110. Print