8. What is pastoralism?

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Back to History 8 Agriculture Concepts Pastoralism is the strongest competitor to sedentary agriculture throughout most of the world. It takes place in central Asia, the Sudanic belt south of the Sahara desert, and the savanna of East and South Africa which are semiarid areas and are incapable of supporting large populations. The definition of pastoralism is a subsistent pattern in which make their living by tending to herds of large animals. Pastoralism occurred in these areas because the climate became warmer and wetter, and the forests started to spread. People began to herd animals and keep them in pens until they needed them. The domestication of these animals caused pastoralism to grow.


Image: http://www.wikiwand.com/en/History_of_agriculture

-Ginger Lummis

Sources: http://anthro.palomar.edu/subsistence/sub_3.htm Manual page 75