9. What is GIS? Provide a concrete example of how it is used

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GIS, or Geographic Information System, is a computer system that gives people the ability to access multiple databases to answer specific questions. A Geographic Information System helps people compare and display different sets of data with one another. With a GIS you are able to see multiple data sets on one screen, making it easier to analyze and interpret data. A GIS contains geographic referenced information and is used to store, analyze, capture, and check data. For example, a GIS can be used to figure out the average temperature of a specific continent. Then one could go on to look at the average rainfall at the same time. With these two sets of data people can figure see if the data sets relate to one another.


Sources: http://education.nationalgeographic.com/encyclopedia/geographic-information-system-gis/


Class Video Notes

Photo: http://www.in.gov/gis/gis101.htm

For more Information go to: http://webgis.wr.usgs.gov/globalgis/tutorials/what_is_gis.htm

By: Cross Kennedy