9. What kind of social and political changes were happening in Canaan?

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During the late Bronze Age, many changes occurred in Canaan’s government and social structure. Families that were traders or owned a large plot of land were the authorities, warriors, and leaders of Canaanite cities. The farmers and craftspeople were placed in the lowest class in civilization. Furthermore, outside of the cities, the nomadic pastoral group known as the Shasa lived in the grassland, mountains, and desert. Another social group dwelled called the Apiru, who were recognized as thieves and refugees. Trading was a large part of Canaan society, and merchants traded with Mesopotamia, Egypt, Anatolia, Cyprus, Crete, and Greece in addition to within the borders of Canaan.





"The Levant: Canaan, Isreal, Phonecia." Origins. Comp. Rosie Beniretto. Ed. Ganesa Collins. Houston, Texas: St. John's School, 2015-2016. chapter page numbers. Print.

Anna Paradise