9. What was the role of technology in the rise of empires in Mesopotamia?

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The area of Mesopotamia became the home to many large cities and empires, due to the amazing inventions of the Mesopotamians. These inventions helped with daily life, planning for harvests, transportation, communicating ideas, and recording information. Inventions such as the wheel, law, maps, calendar, school, and astronomy. The wheel allowed goods to be transported from city to city quickly, which we still use today. The calendar, very similar to the calendar used today, was based on astronomy. The law governed how people must interact when living together, and provided predictability. Literature was used to write myths, laws, and to keep records of amount of livestock, harvest, slaves, etc. All of the inventions helped move these civilizations along and evolve into the civilizations that we live in today.



Sarah Hill

website: http://www.ancient.eu/Mesopotamia/

manual page 96