Earth Science 7-Addis Abba, Ethiopia

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Addis Abba, Ethiopia

Earth Science 7- Cities

Elevation: 2,300 meters

Longitude and Latitude: 9"02'00.82"N 38"44'48.42" E <>

There is no large body of water near Addis Abba. The country of Ethiopia is on the Atlantic Coast but Addis Abba is located in the center.

Other Facts: Addis Abba is a grassland and mountainous region. It is the capital of Ethiopia and also the largest city.

Avg. Monthly Temperature

  Jan  Feb  Mar  Apr  May  Jun  Jul  Aug  Sep  Oct  Nov  Dec  

C 16.1 17.1 18.1 18.0 18.4 16.9 15.4 15.3 16.0 16.0 15.7 16.5 F 61.0 62.8 64.6 64.4 65.1 62.4 59.7 59.5 60.8 60.8 60.3 61.7 <>

Climate Zone: Tropical Savanna-AW

Other cities that have a similar climate to Addis Abba include: Monterry, Mexico Earth Science 7-Monterrey, Mexico and Alice Springs, Australia Earth Science 7-Alice Springs, Australia

A city that is unsimilar to Addis Abba Ethiopia is Istanbul, Turkey Earth Science 7-Istanbul,Turkey It has a wide range of temperature and relativly high rainfall. It is not very elevated. The opposite of Addis Abba.

Addis Abba is predominately in a low pressure zone, as it is close to the equator. The main rainy reason is April and May. NE and SE winds usually arrive with theses rains. The mountains effect the winds also.[1]

Addis Abba is at a high elevation. Its weather is pretty constant with highs in the 70's to lows in the 40's in F. It has low rainfall year round.[2][3]


Plate Boundary

Addis Ababa lies on the African plate. It is not that close to a plate boundary, the closest one being the mid-atlantic ridge.

Rocks that underlie Addis Ababa

Its oldest rocks are deformed Archean rocks. Its youngest rocks are Quaternary sediments and lava flows. There are many notable gold,platinum and rare metal deposits. The surface is mostly sedimentary rocks. The origin of these rocks appears to be volcanoes erupting in the ocean and turning into rocks which are now Ethiopia. [4]
